Forums - MvC2 Assist Tier Ranking Show all 50 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- MvC2 Assist Tier Ranking ( Posted by DrunkinB on 05:17:2001 04:28 AM: MvC2 Assist Tier Ranking I dont know if this been done b4 or if this thread maybe a bit useless, but... I wanna know what are some of the tier rankings for the assist types if possible! Posted by Mr. E on 05:17:2001 04:32 AM: capcom doom sent bh ken are all top tier assists. Posted by Assist Type on 05:17:2001 04:56 AM: Here we go... Top Tier Air-Throw= Zangief Top Tier Anti-Air= Blackheart, Cable, Cammy, CapCom, Chun-li, Cyclops, Dr. Doom, Morrigan, Psylocke Top Tier Balance= Charlie, Guile Top Tier Capture= Ruby Heart, Spider-man, Thanos Top Tier Dash= Cammy, Captain America, Colossus, Rouge, Sabretooth Wolverine Top Tier Expansion: Akuma Top Tier Enhance= Amingo, Ruby Heart Top Tier Ground= Dhalsim, Sentinal, Spiral Top Tier Heal: Amingo, Jill Top Tier Launcher: Magneto, Sentinel Top Tier Projectile: Cable, Cyclops, Gambit, Iceman, Ironman, Magneto, Storm, War Machine Top Tier Throw: Omega Red Top Tier Variety: Amingo, Cable, Strider Posted by Supergeek on 05:17:2001 04:59 AM: Props to Assist Type, that list is pretty much the shit. Posted by ShoFunaki on 05:17:2001 05:13 AM: And exactly why isnt Sonson's heal not top tier? Posted by DannyCat on 05:17:2001 05:27 AM: And what about Jin's AAA? I mean, if you've got Chun-Li there... Posted by SeaTowN_PlaYa on 05:17:2001 05:34 AM: I would add Spiral under Projectile..that circle of sword chips mad. Posted by DeathFromAbove on 05:17:2001 05:56 AM: Venom's Expansion assist cuts off more rushdown angles, and covers more ground space than any other assist I know of. I nominate it as top tier. -DFA Posted by DrunkinB on 05:17:2001 06:13 AM: Thank you Assist Type but u are sure u didnt left ne one out? Posted by State of Nature on 05:17:2001 07:13 AM: How could he omit Ken's AAA? I also agree that Jin's AAA is one of the best, it's anti-rushdown, anti-crossup. As for the overall top tier assists, here's my list in no particular order: Blackheart AAA Ken AAA Capcom AAA Doom AAA Storm Projectile Sentinel Ground Tronne projectile Jin AAA Psylocke AAA I'm sure I left one or two out, but the above are pretty much the best in the game. Posted by DannyCat on 05:17:2001 07:25 AM: Cable AAA too, for the reason of Alpha Counter -> AHVB. Posted by Mr. E on 05:17:2001 07:50 AM: I'm not sure whether or not I'd add Cyke/Psylocke to my list considering they usefulness is limited to mag/storm/im or cable teams. Capcom aaa is probably the best in the game, followed VERY closely by Ken. Capcom changes the way almost every single character plays. Rushdown to Keepaway, all have to change their gameplan to work around getting blasted by the corridor. Ken's assist is the same way, is superior in that it's invincible for the entire startup time, but far inferior in it's reach and damage. Doom rocks is a very close third. It's relatively decent startup speed, damage, and comboability is nice, not to mention the fact that once the rocks are out, they're untouchable. These alone make it a very good assist, but what makes it tops in the game is the ridiculous amount of chip it does. It forces a player to come up with an immediate solution to the 10% chip he's receiving each time doom enters, and adds a sense of urgency to his game plan, thereby forcing him to make mistakes. Sent has a wicked ground assist. It dominates the horizontal, does large amounts of damage, good chip, and long block stun. It allows for rushdown characters to close in on an enemy, and has very high trap potential. The angle at which the drones come out is also very useful, acting as a semi-anti rushdown assist. Also, sent's big body and super armor act as a buffer between the point char and a mags rushing in on you. mags hits sent with airdash roundhouse, but misses your char. BH is BH. Everyone knows what his assist does. The bane of runaway storm, the tracking/area of effect of his assist is unparrallel. He can hit you from a screens distance away, or right above him, it doesn't matter. It does decent damage, but has horrid startup. It makes for a wicked confusion tactic since it lasts so damn long and fills the screen with so much crap it's hard to see what's going on through the ice. VERY high trap potential, being an integral part in Sent/Doom/Spiral traps by keeping opponents grounded. I think I might have to add storm projectile assist to my list simply because it starts up relatively quick, does decent damage and chip, causes long blockstun, clutters the screen, covers a good amount of real estate, and of course, doesn't dissipate. I'm not gonna add the glitched ones (juggy power up dash assist, or tron's non-combo scaling projectile). I don't ever use Jin and never really play against many jin's but I guess his assist is good. Also, Cable AAA xx AHVB would take into account the main characters abilities, and that's off topic in my opinion. But yeah, it's deadly. Posted by Dasrik on 05:17:2001 01:32 PM: MY THESIS PAPER ON ASSISTS, MY FAVORITE PART OF MVC2 Umm, it's better to just ignore Assist Type's list, because grouping by assist types is pretty pointless. (Heal assists are damn near useless, anyway.) And some of his choices are pretty questionable. (Chun-Li AAA but no Jin? Omega Red Throw but no Tron? Expansion Akuma and not Venom?) Onward... The top two assists in the game are Y-Sentinel and B-Commando, which IMO tie for the number one slot. They simply do what they do excellently while covering a great range. RIGHT BELOW THEM (and not by very far at all) is B-Doom, who's another excellent controller of space. And just below him is B-Blackheart, who I used to feel was the best assist in the game but has fallen just a bit aside, mainly because while always good at controlling space, he can only really lockdown with Sentinel now. In the upper tier we have basically the rest of the best AAAs - Cyclops, Psylocke, Cammy, Ken and Jin. It's hard to rank them above each other, since they all have different uses at different times with different people. IMO, though, I'd put Cyclops at the top above all the others because he is the easiest out of all these five to be followed up with lots more damage. There are other assist types besides anti-airs though. Projectile types do serve a purpose, and A-Spiral and A-Storm are easily the best of these - A-Spiral chips a lot if blocked and holds for a good long time if missed, and A-Storm will not go away once it's out, so you're forced to deal with it. Y-Tron's assist also comes in handy because it does powerful damage - although it means you're forced to find a space for Tron on your team. And as for the rest of them, it's easy to see just how powerful Y-Akuma is as a rushdown tool, and Y-Bonerine makes for very good confusion tactics (although I've only seen it used well with Sentinel. I see potential to stick it in Mags/Storm rushdown, though.) Concluding, IMO, the hands down best assists in the game are the ones that justify you putting them on their team even if you don't use them on point at all. Commando, Psylocke and Jin are all powerful enough as assists to allow you to get away with never having to deal with their on-point weaknesses - but you could easily use Sentinel in the same fashion... Anyway, here's my list. #1 [ B-Commando, Y-Sentinel ] #3 [ B-Doom, B-Blackheart ] #5 [ B-Cyclops ] #6 [ A-Ken, B-Jin, A-Storm ] #9 [ A-Psylocke, Y-Akuma ] #11 [ A-Cammy, Y-Bonerine, A-Spiral ] More assist madness to follow. Ph33r. Posted by Chaotic Blue on 05:17:2001 03:25 PM: Why you guys keep putting doom after commando. Doom assist beats Commando if he's on the screen. That means he has startup priority and finish priority. The one thing you can do to hope to hit your opponent is to call commando from very far away and hope that something hits doom or his rocks arn't moving. I don't even call commando when doom is out. goes like this. best assit type cyclops AAA - Great priority, combo off easy, slows rush down ken AAA - Invinceable, punish assists like doom doom AAA - mad crazy chip damage good priority commando - huge range, great damage, but low priority and long finish time well all i want to think of for now. oh blackheart - AAA good follows opponent, bad, if your playing against a dasher player, basically useless Posted by ~Blue on 05:17:2001 03:31 PM: I would rank jin's AAA a bit higher as it has mad priority. I beats CapCom's AAA and it beats all supers. I've seen it kill many in-progress beam HC's. Posted by Dasrik on 05:17:2001 03:42 PM: quote: Originally posted by Chaotic Blue Why you guys keep putting doom after commando. Doom assist beats Commando if he's on the screen. Yes, Doom beats Commando, but he loses to more stuff than Commando does. Doom can't deal with an immediate pressure game, and as an anti-air he pretty much sucks. He basically serves as ground control and chip, and that's all - whereas Commando and Sentinel both serve more varied purposes than that. That's why. quote: Originally posted by ~blue I would rank jin's AAA a bit higher as it has mad priority. I beats CapCom's AAA and it beats all supers. I've seen it kill many in-progress beam HC's. See what I said for Doom. B-Jin actually serves only one purpose, the thing that makes him good is that he does it exceedingly well. Posted by n817azn on 05:17:2001 04:00 PM: [QUOTE]Originally posted by Mr. E I'm not sure whether or not I'd add Cyke/Psylocke to my list considering they usefulness is limited to mag/storm/im or cable teams.[QUOTE] UHHHHH WUT ??!!?? you can use almost any character with cyc's/psy's aaa effectively, thats why they're such good assists- there very easy to combo off of, I mean if you can only use those 3 characters with those assists then you haven't used them that much at all. Lets see sent, bison, ryu, cammy, sim, guile, iceman can all use these assists effectively and thats just a few of the characters that can use these assists to their advantage, thats why their top tier assists, there VERY EASY to combo into. Posted by Mr. E on 05:17:2001 05:50 PM: they're good in combos, yes, but they only really serve to help certain characters. Cyke is a great assist, it sets up mags, storm, cable and BH. I'd rank it a bit higher than Psylocke since it covers more distance. Psylocke helps out Mags, Storm, Cable (not as effective as Cyke for this though, since if blocked, Cyke gives cable more room to work with), Iron Man, and Sentinel. Personally, I'd prefer Cyke over Psylocke, and most any other assist with Sentinel. The other assists drastically changes the way the game is played, and do more than one thing. Cyke/Psylocke are anti-rushdown assists. They don't do anything against runaway characters. Nothing against a hovering sent, or a Doom raining photons on you. They combo nice, but are limited in there versatility. Doom does damage for free, nuff said. Capcom alters almost every single game plan. Sent Drones (after Dasrik's reply) I'd have to put a bit higher since it seriously controls the horizontal. Ken is invincible. BH tracks, large area of effect, confuses, traps. Posted by tortoise on 05:17:2001 05:52 PM: I gotta put Doom's rocks as number one assist in the game. I think they have a lot more space control than CapCom's, which is in and out in a split second (easy to work around). Doom just lingers out there, always ready to screw ground based gameplans, and even thwart a lot of air based stuff too. The rocks are invincible, giving your point character a lot of protection, and they chip like mad. Posted by Mr. E on 05:17:2001 06:19 PM: they do nothing against characters that are always above you like BH, Doom, Sent, and Storm. Captain does high damage too, and the fact that it comes out so fast is a good thing. Everything in a large vertical column (just a bit smaller than BH) is subject to getting blasted, forcing rushdown to stay very close, and trappers/keepaway very far. Posted by DrunkinB on 05:17:2001 07:30 PM: I will just *bump* this up if ne one else wants to see it Posted by n817azn on 05:17:2001 10:08 PM: point one- cyclops can knock sent out of fly mode just as easy commando. Psylocke can also knock him out but it is much harder to do and it must be timed perfectly. And how exactly is commandos assist good for runaway characters? His assist is also for pushing back rushers, don't get me wrong its a very good assist, but i don't like it as much because u really can't combo off of it, or at least it is very difficult to. point 2- Blackheart and Doom are both very good assists also but once again they are harder to combo into although doom's you can kind of, but both require really precise timeing. Even though they have arguably the best assist they also have a huge weakness; they stand out there forever and a good Cable player can punish them severly. Oh and i personally prefer psy with cable rather than cyc. Cyc is good to use with Cable when your just starting to learn, but most of the good players are wise to that sh*t, and its really easy to get your cyc punished while he's out there. Psy on the other hand comes out quick and you can go directly into AHVB if she hits, and this tends to catch your opponet more off guard than the cyc. aaa. once again they are NOT limited to certain characters!!!! Almost any character can use them effectivley and take off huge amounts of damage when comboed into, they are very versatile. And in what way does Commando change the game plan-is there something special i don't know about his assist that chases down runaway characters, if so please tell me. One point that your right about is that they don't really do sh*t against that photon doom crap but really either does any body elses except for maybe blackheart. And don't tell me commandos does because doom should be on the other side of the screen thus out of the range of commando. And commando also has serious lag time, which opens him up once again for serious punishment. Posted by Jinmaster on 05:21:2001 03:34 PM: I just thought I'd throw this out here, Ricky Ortiz said he thought Sentinel-gamma is the best assist in the game. Posted by Cletus Kasady on 05:21:2001 04:21 PM: How I Rank Them (These tiers are somewhat in order): 1) Y-Sentinel, B-Doom, B-Commando 2) A-Ken, A-Psylocke, B-Blackheart 3) B-Cyclops, A-Storm, A-Spiral, A-Iron Man No explaination is really needed for Tier 1. I put Psylocke ahead of Cyclops for a few reasons: they both serve the same purpose of setting up for more damage. However, Cyclops can get really iffy on the range, and he doesn't keep them in "setup" when he trades, which Psylocke does. I think Ken to be almost equal to Commando for "Get Out Of My Face" purposes, although he doesn't set up for much of anything (except Storm, and that's debatable). - Cletus Kasady Posted by Dynamyte2U on 05:21:2001 07:09 PM: In rough order: Cyclops-beta Psylocke-alpha Blackheart-beta Doom-beta Capcom-beta Ken-alpha Jin-beta Sabretooth-beta Sentinel-gamma Posted by TS on 05:21:2001 07:29 PM: Just in case ya'll didn't know, Bone Wolvie's Gamma assist (slide) also works well with BH. I did some like 45 or 50% combo with BH using Wolvie's gamma, that I pulled out of my ass COMPLETELY. Something like jump Roundhouse + Wolvie assist (both hit), something something HoD (probably Stand Roundhouse, inferno), stand Roundhouse. Posted by Dasrik on 05:21:2001 07:41 PM: Miscellaneous comments. quote: Originally posted by tortoise I gotta put Doom's rocks as number one assist in the game. I think they have a lot more space control than CapCom's, which is in and out in a split second (easy to work around). Doom just lingers out there, always ready to screw ground based gameplans, and even thwart a lot of air based stuff too. The rocks are invincible, giving your point character a lot of protection, and they chip like mad. Doom has a lot of issues which prevent him from being #1. One is that for him to be effective in controlling space, he must be used when the opponent is at a distance from you. He'll generally do nothing for you if the enemy is up close. And, if you want to use him to chip, you HAVE to do it in the enemy's face. Hence why Strider is so good with Doom. He can be close and not worry about the enemy hitting Doom out, because of orbs. Also, the rocks can tend to be unpredictable. Depending on where the opponent is when Doom hurls the rocks, they may either scatter and do nil chip, or compress and not cover space well. Thirdly, Doom stays out there for a LONG TIME. That's time where you basically have to deal with the opponent solo if he gets around Doom and to you. quote: Originally posted by n187azn point one- cyclops can knock sent out of fly mode just as easy commando. Psylocke can also knock him out but it is much harder to do and it must be timed perfectly. And how exactly is commandos assist good for runaway characters? His assist is also for pushing back rushers, don't get me wrong its a very good assist, but i don't like it as much because u really can't combo off of it, or at least it is very difficult to. It's not really easier. If a Sentinel player is fighting a player with Commando in the back, he basically has to avoid the area of the column until Commando comes out. That's a large space where Sentinel can't be in. With Cyclops and especially with Psylocke, that space is limited to a box around the assist, an area which Sentinel can easily stay directly above. Also, being able to combo afterward does not necessarily make a good assist. You can get all sorts of combos after A-Spider-Man assist, that doesn't make it good. Good assists control space without excessive risk to your point. quote: And in what way does Commando change the game plan-is there something special i don't know about his assist that chases down runaway characters, if so please tell me. One point that your right about is that they don't really do sh*t against that photon doom crap but really either does any body elses except for maybe blackheart. And don't tell me commandos does because doom should be on the other side of the screen thus out of the range of commando. And commando also has serious lag time, which opens him up once again for serious punishment. Having Commando on your team means the opponent is basically FORCED to avoid it. You don't even have to call Commando to make them afraid to get close on the horizontal plane, an effect that is much more noticeable than it is with Cyke or Psylocke. And it's not very hard to get beneath Doom to plant a corridor up his tin-plated ass if he tries photons. Wave dashes help, but if he airdashes up he's generally done the work for you... quote: Originally posted by Cletus Kasady 1) Y-Sentinel, B-Doom, B-Commando 2) A-Ken, A-Psylocke, B-Blackheart 3) B-Cyclops, A-Storm, A-Spiral, A-Iron Man No explaination is really needed for Tier 1. I put Psylocke ahead of Cyclops for a few reasons: they both serve the same purpose of setting up for more damage. However, Cyclops can get really iffy on the range, and he doesn't keep them in "setup" when he trades, which Psylocke does. I think Ken to be almost equal to Commando for "Get Out Of My Face" purposes, although he doesn't set up for much of anything (except Storm, and that's debatable). Ken also sets up for Blackheart. In any case, I'm curious as to why you have A-IM on that list. That beam stays out for awhile, but A-Cable lasts just as long and covers more of a range. Don't get me wrong, the beam assist is good, but Iron Man's doesn't seem especially useful in any way. Posted by DeadlyRaveNeo on 05:21:2001 09:36 PM: quote: Originally posted by Assist Type Here we go... Top Tier Air-Throw= Zangief Top Tier Anti-Air= Blackheart, Cable, Cammy, CapCom, Chun-li, Cyclops, Dr. Doom, Morrigan, Psylocke Top Tier Balance= Charlie, Guile Top Tier Capture= Ruby Heart, Spider-man, Thanos Top Tier Dash= Cammy, Captain America, Colossus, Rouge, Sabretooth Wolverine Top Tier Expansion: Akuma Top Tier Enhance= Amingo, Ruby Heart Top Tier Ground= Dhalsim, Sentinal, Spiral Top Tier Heal: Amingo, Jill Top Tier Launcher: Magneto, Sentinel Top Tier Projectile: Cable, Cyclops, Gambit, Iceman, Ironman, Magneto, Storm, War Machine Top Tier Throw: Omega Red Top Tier Variety: Amingo, Cable, Strider Some of these are questionable, Omega Red's throw assist for example is comboable but it is slow and sets up only a couple of things since he throws them at SJ height, while Tron's throw assist is the fastest throw assist in the game. Enhance and Heal types are garbage, I mean really, is there such thing as a bad heal assist?? And in the Anti-air list, there is no mention of Jin even though it blows everything away from him. Posted by vipersword on 05:21:2001 09:51 PM: quote: Originally posted by Jinmaster I just thought I'd throw this out here, Ricky Ortiz said he thought Sentinel-gamma is the best assist in the game. haha thats a load of bullshit. to me it's probably the best assist to go with spiral. but the best in the game? man that assist is so in for AHVBx5. if u call out his assist he could already be killed by storm SS cable etc etc..... u tell him that that assist is not the best Posted by vipersword on 05:21:2001 09:53 PM: what? OR's throw assist is the best for throw? that's wrong too. the best throw in the game is zangief the tronne. i mean zangief can get hit but he still keeps going. then for tronne it stops all rushers. Posted by WhiTe ReFlection on 05:21:2001 10:52 PM: it's all about Dan! Posted by zeiram on 05:21:2001 11:45 PM: best assists? BBHood- projectile Sentinel- projectile Tron- Throw Psylocke- AAA Akuma- expansion Storm- expansion Colossus- AAA IM/WM- AAA Mag- Capture oh wait, this is for top tier assists? oh dang, i just thought it was for setting up the Iron Man infinite. hehe, the ONLY weapon you need. Zeiram out. Posted by BshidoHEAT on 05:22:2001 12:51 AM: I think that Colossus'es Dash assist is good, anyone else with me? Posted by DeathFromAbove on 05:22:2001 02:58 AM: Re: Commando assist I can't believe nobody mentioned this, but one of the things that makes Commando the best assist in the game, IMO, is how often you can call it out. It's very easily protected, because by the time you get done w/ your protection attacks, he's ready to be called out again, if needed. And that speed makes it excellent for transition, when blocked. (Of course, if connected, it's not so good for transition, though the damage makes up for that, usually). -DFA Posted by Mr. E on 05:22:2001 05:21 AM: vipersword, if you have ntohing intelligent to say, why post? Sentinel's gamma assist pretty much controls all actions in a horizontal plane. It does large amounts of damage, causes long blockstun, chips, and sets up dash in's. Anyone who calls Sent Gamma against a cable with supers and doesn't try to protect Sent is a scrub. The angle with which it comes out, also makes rushing in a bit more difficult for certain characters. It traps well, takes up lots of space, and does good damage. btw, storm hailstorm does something like 25% damage to sent. Not really worth the meter. Throw assists are garbage. They suck. end of story. Commando controls a ridiculous amount of space, and stops many different gameplans. Once your opponent gets blasted by it, he's gonna be wary of doing the same thing twice. Posted by Jakuda on 05:22:2001 05:31 AM: It really depends on the type of team you're using and the assist that best plugs in the holes. But in terms of the best utility assists (good in almost any situation) are: Cyclops-b, sent-y, doom-b, blackheart-b. It's not coincidence that the top tier characters also have the best assists =) Posted by NJzFinest on 05:22:2001 05:50 AM: i'm just going to list the 5 assists that i think are the best for winning in overall situations. 1:blackheart-beta - this assist fills up half the screen with ice for about almost 2 seconds. its great for trapping characters and stops runaway characters. the assist has the ability to keep people on the ground which is very important with some characters. if the opponent doesnt have some kind of airdash then they will definately have trouble around this assist. 2:capcom-beta - again this is a column assist. it fills the half the screen with a powerful hit that is almost unstoppable unless commando is hit low. it destroys traps, stops rushdowns and stops runaways to an extent. 3:doom-beta - its the most chipping normal move in the game. doom basically slows down other player's momentum especially if it is a rushdown. it makes people panic because no one wants to block it. it is a ground owning assist. with this assist it is hard to turtle. its also combo friendly. 4:storm-alpha - unstoppable wind. has 3 hits in it. its great for stopping traps like spiral and sentinel. better than any other move this assist owns the ground. no one can do any ground based move without taking damage while this assist is out. its great for following up so it lets you take the offense if the other character doesnt want to get hit. 5:sentinel-gamma - it does great damage. its a good assist for following up on. the angle is comes in at is great because it protects you from rushdowns and crossups. sentinel always comes in at your side of the screen never in the middle. it stuns for a long time and whether they block or get hit. sentinel's super armor lets him take a hit and still bring out drones. these are my top 5 assists. tell me what you think Posted by DeathFromAbove on 05:22:2001 06:35 AM: Since each character has a best assist, I think it would be stupid to list the 2nd best ones (even if some of them are better than other chars 1st assists). So, without taking into account Team Hyper Combos, or Counters, here's my assist tiers: TOP TIER (game altering): Blackheart (AAA) Cammy (AAA) Captain Commando (AAA) Cyclops (AAA) Dr. Doom (rocks...) Jin (AAA) Ken (AAA) Marrow (AAA) expects flames for this... Psylocke (AAA) Sakura (Shou'oken) Sentinel (Drones) Storm (Typhoon) Venom (Venom Fang) 2ND TIER (abusable): Akuma (hurricane) Cable (Viper Beam for assist, but Psymitar for the counter) Captain America (Charging Star) Iceman (Icebeam) Juggernaut (Juggernaut Punch) Rogue (Kiss) Sabretooth (Birdie Shot) Son Son (AAA) Spiral (circle of swords) Tron Bonne (C.medium punch - projectile) 3RD TIER (good): Anakaris (Idle hands or Coffin Drop, depending on team) Charlie (AAA) Chun Li (AAA) Colossus (Shoulder Charge) Felicia (Sand Splash) Gambit (Kinetic Card) Guile (AAA) Hayato (Shiden - slashing sword thingy) Hulk (Gamma Charge) Iron Man (Repulsor Blast or Unibeam, depending on team) M. Bison (Psycho Field) Morrigan (AAA) Ruby Heart (Sublimation) Shuma Gorath (Mystic Smash) Spider-Man (AAA) Strider (Teleport Kick) ...but do you want him out there? Wolverine (AAA) Bonerine (Sliding Claw) War Machine (Repulsor Blast) 4TH TIER (usable): Amingo (ball thingy) BB Hood (either version of cheer 'n fire) Dan (AAA) Dhalsim (Yoga Flame) Jill Valentine (Shoulder Charge) Kobun (Servbot call - Alpha type) Magneto (HyperGrav or EM Disruptor, depending on team) Mega Man (Charged Shot) Omega Red (Omega Strike) Ryu (AAA) Silver Samurai (Shuriken) BOTTOM TIER (trash): Roll (Flower bouquet) Thanos (Capture Bubble) Zangief (Lariat or Running Bear Grab) Posted by Dasrik on 05:22:2001 08:32 AM: Regarding DeathFromAbove's tier rankings, I don't think it's quite fair to say all characters have a definite assist to use. For many characters, it's safe to say that one is the best, but a variety of situations call for a variety of assists. Also, I really don't think this list is well researched. Top Tier - The placement of Venom, Marrow and Sakura here are very questionable. Especially Marrow, whom I don't understand at all. Her AAA is basically a poor man's Captain Commando - slower to come out and just as vulnerable. I'd dare say that her projectile assist is better. Venom's assist is really good, but I wouldn't say it completely disrupts your opponent's gameplan. Sakura really only finds a use on Spiral. 2nd Tier - For their uses as AAA, Morrigan and Charlie should be here. Morri can pretty much do what Ken does, with the exception of being invulnerable (that is better than you think), and Charlie's anti-air is surprisingly powerful, with an energy arc that controls space. Also, about Juggernaut, he's the only character in the game I can think of with three perfectly viable assists - A-Juggy benefits rushdown, B-Juggy is a good zoner, and Y-Juggy is an overhead and controls space immediately in front of you. Which assist you want to use depends on your situation. Also, if Sabretooth is gonna be here then Bison should too. Wolverine's AAA is pretty horrible. 3rd Tier - As far as assists go, Cable should be here. You very rarely want to draw him out into a situation where he can't defend himself. 4th Tier - BBHood's best assist is projectile, without a doubt, and should go into 3rd Tier at least. Her anti-air is particularly shabby. Also, there's no reason to ever NOT pick Gamma Servbot, so whether Alpha gives him the best assist is pointless (besides, you're wrong - first, Alpha makes him do a fire breath, too, and Beta is really his best assist). MegaMan's AAA is good, and Magneto's beta type really does suck. I still hold that you probably want Y-Magneto in most situations. Silver Samurai's best assist is the repeated sword slice, and that's 3rd tier. Bottom Tier - Thanos does not belong here, period. Neither does Zangief's lariat. Roll should use her fireball assist, which as far as projectile types go, is OK. Bottom tier should be Jill, Kobun and possibly Wolverine. Posted by ADDAMANTEEUM on 05:22:2001 09:11 AM: WHAT ABOUT JUGGERNAUT ISN'T JUGGERNAUT'S GROUND PUNCH A STRONG ASSIST IF U POWER HIM UP? IT TAKES OFF LIKE HALF YOUR LIFE! Posted by DeathFromAbove on 05:22:2001 09:34 AM: quote: Originally posted by Dasrik Regarding DeathFromAbove's tier rankings, I don't think it's quite fair to say all characters have a definite assist to use. For many characters, it's safe to say that one is the best, but a variety of situations call for a variety of assists. Also, I really don't think this list is well researched. Well, I did mention more than one assist for a # of characters for the ones I thought were justifiably good. And, as far as research, I've played this game more than I care to recount, but I'd be an idiot if I said I was an expert w/ all 56 characters. I probably have actually practiced with about 30, and seriously practiced with about 20. So I'm sure I'm wrong for some of the characters, as about a third of my info is based only on what I've seen other people use. quote: Top Tier - The placement of Venom, Marrow and Sakura here are very questionable. Especially Marrow, whom I don't understand at all. Her AAA is basically a poor man's Captain Commando - slower to come out and just as vulnerable. I'd dare say that her projectile assist is better. Venom's assist is really good, but I wouldn't say it completely disrupts your opponent's gameplan. Sakura really only finds a use on Spiral. Re: Venom. I suppose that's just a matter of opinion. I think it does. *shrugs* Re: Sakura. Actually, her assist works well against any trap involving a projectile assist. It also has a nice habit of cancelling out projectiles from the air, for those characters that like to make it rain. It dismantles any team that does not have a 100% solid anti-air. And, it works great with characters like Doom and BH, who like to trap from the air. Make what you want of that. Re: Marrow. I knew I'd get shit for this. What shall I say? It covers a helluva lot of space. (covers 360 degrees around the point, and has the 2nd most vertical range, also not too shabby horizontally) The bones can't be hit, so it snuffs anything from the air absolutely cold. Stops crossups and triangle jumps, AND gives a combo opportunity that Capcom doesn't. Short duration is good for an anti-air, so it can be called in often. "Poor man's Capcom" is just about right. Use it instead if the combo opportunity is that much more important. To the best of my knowlege, it's the only straight anti-rushdown assist with heavy combo potential, so that's why it's here. quote: 2nd Tier - For their uses as AAA, Morrigan and Charlie should be here. Morri can pretty much do what Ken does, with the exception of being invulnerable (that is better than you think), and Charlie's anti-air is surprisingly powerful, with an energy arc that controls space. Also, about Juggernaut, he's the only character in the game I can think of with three perfectly viable assists - A-Juggy benefits rushdown, B-Juggy is a good zoner, and Y-Juggy is an overhead and controls space immediately in front of you. Which assist you want to use depends on your situation. Also, if Sabretooth is gonna be here then Bison should too. Wolverine's AAA is pretty horrible. I generally think of Ken's invulnerability as the only really good thing about his assist. Morrigan is Ken's assist sans invulnerability, so what's good about it? Charlie I don't play, but I'll take your word for it. *bumps him up to 2nd tier* I'm aware of the usefulness of A-Juggy, but basically, if I wanted rushdown, I would pick something with a bit more invulnerability. Still, I suppose it's worth noting. B-Juggy is a good reason to pick Juggs, period, and Y-Juggs I've never experimented with or seen. Could be worth a look. Bison you are right about. *bumps up Bison* And I listed Wolvie in the 3rd tier, so I'm not sure why you mentioned him here... quote: 3rd Tier - As far as assists go, Cable should be here. You very rarely want to draw him out into a situation where he can't defend himself. Like my little disclaimer said, I graded them only on the usefulness of the assist, which does NOT include in-game strategy. A-Cable is an abusable assist. It comes in fast, and recovers quickly for a projectile assist. It's a beam. It also penetrates point characters to snuff assists. Realistically, though, we would be choosing B-Cable, of course. And that would be a 3rd tier assist, so I guess I see your point. quote: 4th Tier - BBHood's best assist is projectile, without a doubt, and should go into 3rd Tier at least. Her anti-air is particularly shabby. Also, there's no reason to ever NOT pick Gamma Servbot, so whether Alpha gives him the best assist is pointless (besides, you're wrong - first, Alpha makes him do a fire breath, too, and Beta is really his best assist). MegaMan's AAA is good, and Magneto's beta type really does suck. I still hold that you probably want Y-Magneto in most situations. Silver Samurai's best assist is the repeated sword slice, and that's 3rd tier. Re: BB Hood. I don't play her, so I'll concede all your points. Re: Kobun. Well, there's really no reason to pick him, period. But I still play him for fun, and I play him as A-Kobun. And, for the record, A-Kobun does have the "Service for One" Kobun call for an assist. Go check the game data on this site if you don't believe it. And, it's actually a very annoying little assist. Re: Megaman. His AAA is okay, but his charged buster has use as an assist punisher. Neither is terribly good, but you knew that already. Re: Magneto. Again, Y-Magneto is more playable, but NOT his best assist. It's probably A, but B finds use on any team relying on infinite combos, so I mentioned it. Re: Silver Samurai. Yeah, you're correct. My bad. Dunno how I missed that...*scratches head* quote: Bottom Tier - Thanos does not belong here, period. Neither does Zangief's lariat. Roll should use her fireball assist, which as far as projectile types go, is OK. Bottom tier should be Jill, Kobun and possibly Wolverine. Re: Thanos. It starts slow, it's a single hit projectile, and it is easily shaken out of. What the hell is good about it? And his dash assist is a bad version of Hulk, who himself is a bad version of Juggernaut. Re: Zangief. ain't great, but I suppose it does stop cross-ups... Combo potential is pretty good. Yeah, 3rd tier would be about right. Again, can't say that I play him (well...not in MvC2, at least). -DFA Posted by PuReELiTE on 05:22:2001 09:36 AM: yes, but the assist is slow and can be avoided. I think sentinel's arms is the best assist because once they're off they don't stop(unless hit), they cover a good area of the ground, slow, does 3 pts of chip, and if it hits it stuns the guy and there you have an easy combo starter. The bad about this is that you can't assist, super jump all the way up, then air dash foward with the assist, it simply disapears. If you don't believe me try for your self! But other then that, it kicks ass. I'm out. Posted by Ouroborus on 05:22:2001 10:03 AM: quote: Originally posted by vipersword haha thats a load of bullshit. to me it's probably the best assist to go with spiral. but the best in the game? man that assist is so in for AHVBx5. if u call out his assist he could already be killed by storm SS cable etc etc..... u tell him that that assist is not the best This move comes out quite quick yet looks slow because it comes from the end of the screen. This is one of my best assist because it is a great lockdown and rushdown tool. Sentinal also recovers quickly from this attack. Further more, it is a great shield for the point character. And you can always teleport behind from Cable after doing the assist so he can't AHVB you. Posted by threeRd on 05:22:2001 04:14 PM: quote: Originally posted by Dasrik Also, about Juggernaut, he's the only character in the game I can think of with three perfectly viable assists - A-Juggy benefits rushdown, B-Juggy is a good zoner, and Y-Juggy is an overhead and controls space immediately in front of you. Which assist you want to use depends on your situation. Storm has three viable assists, and to a lesser extent, Cable. Posted by Dasrik on 05:22:2001 04:33 PM: quote: Originally posted by threeRd Storm has three viable assists, and to a lesser extent, Cable. I can't find a really good use for B-Storm; you can duck under the swift attack. And Y-Cable is only useful at all with Megaman, I think... Posted by beta on 05:24:2001 06:14 PM: quote: Originally posted by vipersword haha thats a load of bullshit. to me it's probably the best assist to go with spiral. but the best in the game? man that assist is so in for AHVBx5. if u call out his assist he could already be killed by storm SS cable etc etc..... u tell him that that assist is not the best Shut up, scrubby. It just happens that Ricky is one of the three best players in the world, among with Duc(that uses Sent assist in his main team) and Valle(who also has Sentinel on his main team, and use teh y assist a lot). About you, you're just a scrub who knows nothing so why anyone would listen to your weak, ridiculous advice? Posted by Chaotic Blue on 05:24:2001 07:24 PM: quote: Originally posted by beta Shut up, scrubby. It just happens that Ricky is one of the three best players in the world, among with Duc(that uses Sent assist in his main team) and Valle(who also has Sentinel on his main team, and use teh y assist a lot). About you, you're just a scrub who knows nothing so why anyone would listen to your weak, ridiculous advice? Dont be so quick to diss this guy. First if you expect it its AHVB time. And if you dont and have decent reflexes its AHVB time. If you have shit reflexes call out your assist to take the drones for you and AHVB that. Of course this all depends on if the character stays in one spot. I think personally, for me. (thinks carefully) shit man it depends who im playing against. If I'm playing a distance character, (cable, sentinal) then commando if rushdown (Magneto) psylock (Storm falls in the comando section). Btw. Throw assists don't suck guy from westwood. Let me pull out my Magneto Storm Tron team. C. Blue is going to the arcade today. Posted by TheRifleMan on 05:24:2001 07:37 PM: quote: Originally posted by Mr. E I'm not sure whether or not I'd add Cyke/Psylocke to my list considering they usefulness is limited to mag/storm/im or cable teams. Whoa buddy, don't forget Blackheart and Anakaris with Cyclops' assit. Posted by TheRifleMan on 05:24:2001 08:03 PM: For the most part, this list contains stuff everybody already knows, but some things are just ridiculous. To wit: quote: Originally posted by DeathFromAbove Since each character has a best assist, I think it would be stupid to list the 2nd best ones (even if some of them are better than other chars 1st assists). So, without taking into account Team Hyper Combos, or Counters, here's my assist tiers: TOP TIER (game altering): Cammy (AAA) Marrow (AAA) expects flames for this... Sakura (Shou'oken) There is now way that calling out cammy a few times is going to alter any game. This goes double for marrow. I mean, if someone gets constantly hit by them, it will probably change the outcome, but these assists are too predictable and too easily avoided. quote: 3RD TIER (good): Anakaris (Idle hands or Coffin Drop, depending on team) Felicia (Sand Splash) Coffin drop is awesome for guard breaking, idle hands are too predictable after a while. Felicia's too predictable... quote: 4TH TIER (usable): Amingo (ball thingy) Kobun (Servbot call - Alpha type) Magneto (HyperGrav or EM Disruptor, depending on team) Amingo's ball assists is only good compared to his other assists. Choose it, but don't use it. Anyone who uses amingo as an assist has problems. All of servbot's assits are terrible. Magneto's hyper-grav can be used to link into IM's infinite among other things. Definately a good assist quote: BOTTOM TIER (trash): Roll (Flower bouquet) Thanos (Capture Bubble) Zangief (Lariat or Running Bear Grab) Oh god, don't pretend roll is part of the game. Thanos' bubble is his best assist and very good for g.breaks. Lastly, Zangief's lariat is one if the best assists in the game. Stops rushdowns cold. Make him mecha-zangief and it only gets better. Just ask Duc... Posted by DeathFromAbove on 05:24:2001 10:45 PM: quote: Originally posted by TheRifleMan There is now way that calling out cammy a few times is going to alter any game. This goes double for marrow. I mean, if someone gets constantly hit by them, it will probably change the outcome, but these assists are too predictable and too easily avoided. Actually, on a rushdown team, calling out Cammy to snuff assists makes quite a bit of difference, and avoiding it really isn't an issue, since anyone with half a brain is only going to call a short-range AAA when either they are on top of the opponent, or the opponent is on top of them. I really don't expect anyone to agree with me on Marrow, but covers every rushdown angle, and only has potential to get stuffed on 1 angle, yet sets up big damage... quote: Coffin drop is awesome for guard breaking, idle hands are too predictable after a while. Felicia's too predictable... Yeah, that's why they're listed at 3rd tier... Also, Felicia has use as an anti-assist assist...look at the range on that thing...and it goes through a lot of stuff... quote: Amingo's ball assists is only good compared to his other assists. Choose it, but don't use it. Anyone who uses amingo as an assist has problems. All of servbot's assits are terrible. Magneto's hyper-grav can be used to link into IM's infinite among other things. Definately a good assist. Re: Amingo. I put him at 4th, yeah, I know it ain't too good. Re: Kobun. A-Kobun is a usable assist. It covers full-screen range rather quickly, and is hard to punish...but who cares anyway? -DFA All times are GMT. The time now is 01:31 AM. 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